Full mention of the

Google will differentiate even more here in the future – and here we SEOs have to be careful. Good content alone is no longer enough. Because: Maybe you are the provider from whom people get information. But then book somewhere else! There is also a great danger for Google here. If the algorithm only promotes high-conversion brands without content, then good content will die out over time – and with it the quality of the content on Google. For shops: number of products within the document, “variety” .


Uniqueness of the content

You have no chance of getting a good ranking for the Benin WhatsApp Number List keyword “winter shoes” if you only offer two different pairs of Full mention of shoes. As user behavior becomes more and more important, this factor also becomes more important. relevant “buzzwords”: WDF*IDF ↘ Mentioning the right secondary keywords (simply put WDF*IDF) was very important for a while. That’s it for any information-oriented or know-how search query. -oriented search queries seems to have decreased significantly. There are now other algorithms at work here that place a lot of value on user experience and other things.


The importance of transaction

Whatsapp Number List

Text is still important on category pages of online shops, for New Zealand Phone Number List example, but not as important as in an advice Full mention of article. At least that is my impression.  Uniqueness of the content compared to other websites (no duplicate content) ↗ Duplicate content was and is something that Google absolutely dislikes. In 2014, there were still many websites that aggregated content, such as social bookmarking platforms such as Yigg.de or Webnews.de – both of which are no longer online today. When it came to price comparisons and fashion shopping clubs, Google reacted quite clearly and mercilessly punished those who couldn’t prove a good user experience.

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