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Our experience is that you

Look here: You can easily mark up Google Jobs or the markup for it on your own website. However, the big job portals also do this for you. My tip: Watch a little to see which job portal always appears in position 1. In this example it is Xing – and then book an ad there too. This gives you an even greater reach. Turn on Google Ads Do you want to appear above the Google Jobs results and be directed directly to your website with just your job ad? Then you should activate Google Ads.

Google Ads might be


I always find it fascinating how companies Our experience is waste 1,000 euros per job advertisement on Stepstone & Co. several times in a row and then don’t consider that  more targeted? Sure, it’s time-consuming – but if you can do SEA to some extent, then a small job Belgium WhatsApp Number Data advertisement can be done in a relatively short time. With Google Ads you can also break down more specifically by region (e.g. Munich South) and many other factors than with Stepstone. For 1,000 euros you get around 500-1,000 clicks, which is a lot of potential applicants.


Ads you get candidates who

WhatsApp Number List

However, this is only a rough estimate and Our experience is can of course vary greatly. Nevertheless: don’t get as many applicants as you do through job exchanges – but you get significantly higher quality candidates. Facebook & Instagram While with Google Ads you get China Telegram Number candidates who are already actively searching, with social networks you can reach those who aren’t really looking yet. Since you enter the applicant funnel earlier, you shouldn’t just link to the job advertisement, but you have to do a little more. As ads, videos are currently significantly more performant than image ads. With a standard ad that links directly and dryly to your job ad, you pay a very high price.

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