The regional classification is the

Well as pictures, a short company description and – particularly relevant for this article – reviews, the written reviews. Screenshot Google reviews l’Osteria In addition to contact details and further information, l’Osteria’s company profile contains many The regional classification Google reviews.  Maybe even if the five-star store is further away. Since Google’s goal is to answer user searches as accurately and satisfactorily as possible, i.e. to suggest not only the nearest donut shop, but also the best one, Google uses the ratings in local searches to help me make decisions. What does local search mean.

Google as a rating platform

What initially appears to be a practical service for The regional classification searchers is, however, much more than that: it is one of the largest review platforms and influences your Singapore Phone Number Data business. Since company profiles are closely linked to Google’s algorithm, your reviews also have an impact on SEO – at least when it comes to local relevance . most important criterion for   because Google is independent of the industry. Doctors, restaurants, service providers and public institutions can be rated equally here.The search queries are answered by Google with the local pack and organic SERPs. You can see the difference in the graphic below. Google reviews in the Local Pack and in the Local Organic search The Local Pack contains a map section from Google Maps and the most relevant companies. Local organic search shows the most important search results with a local connection.

Google reviews and other

Phone Number Data

Most other review platforms, on the other The regional classification hand, offer industry-specific reviews and can go into more depth this way. Accordingly,  review platforms Indonesia Phone Number List complement each other. How important are Google reviews for SEO? Both online and offline, the experiences of other customers are crucial for their own purchasing decisions. If I have a choice between two donut shops, I’m more likely to choose the one with five stars rather than three. Behind this is the search intention for a shop, service provider, company or other establishment in the surrounding area.

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