Google generally wants to display

With the HtmlH1 function you can read the first H1 heading of a website. HtmlCanonical This allows you to load the canonical reference of the respective Google generally wants URL into a cell. As an example, I took the canonical for the URLs from my list and compared it with the target canonical. Using a normal if function, I was able to compare the two canonical statements in the last column and highlight them accordingly using conditional formatting (see figure below).

URL in bytes into a

With the HtmlCanonical function you can read the Google generally wants currently set canonical entry on a website. PageSize This allows you to load the file size of the UK Phone Number Data respective  cell. As an example, I took the HTML file sizes of the URLs from my list and can set a value that these pages should not exceed. In some cases, images that are too large or images that are not compressed can be the cause of an HTML file size that is too large. Here again conditional formatting helps me to mark all values ​​below my set value of 150 kB in green (see image below).


WordCount This allows

Phone Number Data

Tip : The larger the file size of your Google generally wants document, the longer it will take users and crawlers to fully load this page. This number should be as low as possible to speed Cambodia Phone Number List up page loading.   you to load the number of all words in the text into a cell for the respective URL. As an example, I took the number of words in my list of URLs and set the value to 1000 words, which should not be less than 1000 words. The conditional formatting quickly shows me the pages that still need text (see screenshot below).

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