My sidebar looked like this

These are already known from the GSC. Exclude headers in result. If you check this option, the column names that are normally included in the import will no longer My sidebar looked be displayed. You receive the data without labeling the columns. Tip: This is most commonly used when column names have already been defined. (However, they should then match the order of data output.

It limits the number

Maximum results: We have already mentioned this field to you My sidebar looked before.   of results to be imported. sense because you don’t yet know how much data to expect. However, for the top 3 keywords it will certainly be set to “1” because we want to pull the first, second and Vietnam Phone Number Data third best keywords per URL individually. Values ​​& Formulas If you click on Values, only the values ​​from the GSC will be imported. If you click on Formula, the respective formulas will be left in the cells.

APIs that must have a connection

Phone Number Data

So you can change them later. (We’ll talk about My sidebar looked when this makes sense later.) Insert button By clicking on the insert button, your configured request will be France Phone Number List started. Tip: Before you click on the button, the cell into which this data should be exported should be preselected. The 4 GSC APIs at a glance In order for you to be able to work properly with the SeoTools for Excel in conjunction with the GSC, you sometimes need   to the GSC.

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