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If you dont yet

Elevate the status quo The status quo describes the If you dont current state of your website or your search engine optimization: Where are you currently? What “level of optimization” is your SEO at? I won’t go into depth about the status quo yet.  Here’s an anecdote: A few years ago my phone rang. The moral of the story: Always get a brief overview of the website at the beginning. Off-page How important or dangerous backlinks can be is a hotly debated topic in the SEO industry.   No, I don’t think it makes sense to do active link building through an agency. Yes, backlinks can be harmful.


Keywords and rankings

It’s more about determining where it makes the If you dont most Azerbaijan WhatsApp Number List sense to start: Where are the biggest levers? These levers can vary greatly depending on the site.  If you’re just starting out, the status quo may mean that you don’t have any SEO landing pages that you could use to achieve rankings. Or you are even one step ahead. The first thing you need to do is determine which terms your potential customers are actually using to search for you.


keywords landing pages

Whatsapp Number List

As a small rule of thumb, the smaller (or more niche or newer) a site is, the more likely it is that a large part of the SEO strategy is based on  and If you dont content.  With Iran Phone Number List our newsletter you will automatically receive the latest Seocracy articles directly in your inbox! Click here for the registration form.  Which other construction sites are already noticeable and how high is their importance?  The realization came pretty quickly: That’s right, the page couldn’t rank.

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