I would like to explain the

So that the SeoTools for Excel is not necessarily recognized as a bot, you can set (red frame) that a random value between 100 and 200ms per request is I would like executed as a delay.  seem like a typical pattern of a bot and can mean that you are locked out of the server much less often. The “User Agent” and “Add random ms delay between requests” settings can make your life in SeoTools for Excel much easier. Connection of the Google Search Console in SeoTools for .

This means it doesn’t

Excel Until now, all of the tools and functions I would like presented worked without a connection to the Google Search Console. better evaluate the data from the Hong Kong Phone Number Data Google Search Console. In order to be able to connect SeoTools for Excel to the Google Search Console, you must click on the “Console” under “Google”. A sidebar then appears on the left edge of the Excel workbook, which connects to Google via a button. After the Google login process, you can now access your Google Search Console.

You are now successfully

Phone Number Data

After logging in to your Google account, which I would like has the approval or ownership rights for the respective properties, you can then select them.  connected to the China Phone Number List GSC via SeoTools for Excel. Overview of functions after connection to the GSC Now that you can access your desired Google Search Consoles with SeoTools for Excel, you can import the GSC data directly into Excel.  You will now see a sidebar (marked green in the image below) that helps import information from the respective properties of your Google account into Excel.

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