In-house SEO only A single in-house SEO who only does SEO and works entirely alone is relatively rare. This is mainly due to the previously listed disadvantages Freelancers are often such as low growth potential and no exchange. The career prospects are very poor, you can only be promoted to marketing manager or something similar – and usually only if your superior leaves. These SEO exotics don’t feel so comfortable in many traditional companies and prefer to move to companies where there are several SEOs on the team – or they go to an agency.
If you choose this option
18,000 subscribers can’t be wrong You don’t Dominican Republic WhatsApp Number List want to miss any of our posts and stay up to date? Subscribe Freelancers are often to our newsletter now and receive every new Seocracy article by email directly to your inbox! Subscribe now If you permanently don’t have enough work for a full-time SEO, then you can decide whether to have an employee do SEO on the side. , then it will almost certainly be the case that it will never be 100% up-to-date – that is simply not possible if you just do it on the side. That’s why I personally don’t think this solution is that good. A great solution to the initial situation of “not enough work for a full-time SEO” is an SEO freelancer.
SEOs have a good view of the
He or she works for several companies at Freelancers are often the same Arabia Whatsapp Number time. For example, a freelancer works two days a week for an eyewear manufacturer, one day a week for an online shop and two more days a week for you. like in-house company from outside and are still relatively deep in the structure. If your company is very small or only consists of yourself, then an agency makes the most sense. As the managing director, you then act like the employee who controls the agency.