Here I would like to

Here I would No wonder, because it has the most link juice. A link from the homepage is more valuable than a link from other sites. Make sure that there are not too many links from the homepage, as this means your most important pages get less link juice. Tip: Make sure that the most important pages are linked from the homepage and check regularly that there are not too many links from the homepage. You can do this by, for example, reducing the links in the navigation. Short and crisp click paths .

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Have you ever heard of the theory that every page from the homepage should be accessible with a maximum of three clicks? You can find out what Oman WhatsApp Number Data the click paths on your website look like with a click path analysis. You can analyze your click path length with   . Even if very short click paths are probably not possible on very large pages, you can use the 3-click rule of thumb as a guide. Click paths that are too long pass on little link juice.

The last point has already

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Conclusion Now you know how you can optimize your internal linking and what you need to pay attention to. If you get stuck with your concept, I recommend that you talk to colleagues. They often have a different view of the topic and can Here I would give you Japan Email List valuable feedback. I hope this blog post helps you and gives you valuable tips for optimizing your internal linking. How do you go about optimizing internal linking? Have you already been able to gather exciting learnings on this topic? I would be happy to read about your experiences. Feel free to write me a comment under the article and if you have any questions, let me know!#1 Define the importance of SEO in your B2B strategy It’s definitely worth keeping a place for SEO in your overall B2B strategy.

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