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The number of mentions

This solution allowe for the appropriate adjustment. Of activities to individual markets and target groups. This, of course, translate into much better results. Brand24 monitoring data confirms the success of the one-day campaign. The reach of Uber content exceee expectations, and the tone of. These mentions was definitely positive. CKsEaXUUEAINvE1 Here are. The results of this action base on Internet monitoring data*: 92% increase in online discussions about Uber on July 24 was 92% higher than the average number of discussions in the previous month. 122% increase in estimate reach on social meia Content generate on July 24 achieve 122% more reach than. The month before More than 25,000 UberIceCream mentions were found.

The action and all activities

Almost 70 million social meia users came across information about the campaign online 84% of mentions of UberIceCream were positive *data from the Brand24 panel . uber social meia buzz and reach The graph of the amount of online content also phone number list shows a jump on the day of the campaign. This proves that this type of activity translates into the involvement of users in the network. Uber brand Uber summary “Most of our passengers are young people between the ages of 18 and 30 who starte using the app because of recommendations from their friends.

Phone Number List

This ratio is always set before

That is why we organize our marketing campaigns in such a way as to increase the bottom-up effect of the campaign,” says Krzysiek Radoszewski, Marketing CUB Directory Manager of the Uber brand. “When planning our activities, we take into account the difference between the cost of acquiring a passenger (customer) and the revenue obtaine from increasing brand awareness. are carrie out in such a way as to maximize the assume KPIs.

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