You can use Names in a business name help create the feeling that the business is connected to a specific person or character. This can create a sense of closeness and trust in customers, and can also be associated with certain qualities or emotions.
- personal name, surname, patronymic – “Dresses from Denisova”, “Elena Furs”, “Ivanovich”;
- names of historical figures – “Pushkin’s Bakery”, “Tchaikovsky’s Store”, “Leonardo”;
- The names of the fictional characters are “John Silver”, “Uncle Vanya”, “Moidodyr”, “Morozko”, “Alenka”.
You can use main thing is that the name evokes the necessary associations, is easy to remember and harmoniously conveys the spirit of the brand.
Important: Do not use the names and surnames of the creators of famous brands, so as not to violate copyright.
Abbreviations and acronyms
If the store name includes several words, you can try creating an abbreviation. Such names sound concise, are easy to hear, and fit well into the domain.
How to create an abbreviation:
- use the first letters of the keywords: “Book House of Moscow” – KDM;
- combine keywords in the title, shortening them completely or partially: “Equipment and Service” — TiS, “Online Zone” — OZON.
Rhymes and alliterations
Rhyming and alliterative names are easier to remember. Make a list of words chinese overseas europe database that describe your products or services. For example, for a clothing store, the words “fashion” and “style” would be appropriate. Find rhyming or similar-sounding words. The process can be simplified by using special services that select rhyming words – Rifme , Poet’s Assistant , Rhyme Online and others. Examples: “Fashion from the Dresser”, “Pizza Sinitsa”, “Chisto-Myto”, “Kroshka Kartoshka”.
Toponyms are names of geographical objects: cities, mountains, bodies of continuity of your commercial process in times of crisis water, forests, etc. Using toponyms in naming helps create associations with certain places. This technique can be useful if you need to emphasize the geographical affiliation or positioning of a brand. Examples: “Siberian Product”, “Tula Gingerbread”, “Ryazan Platki”.
A pun is a technique that uses words or phrases that sound the same but have different meanings. Puns are easy to remember because they play on double meanings and often make you smile. They help create a light and positive atmosphere around maldivian lads a brand. This technique is ideal for stores that want to create a playful and relaxed image. Examples: “Yamaika” – a T-shirt store, “Para Normalno” – a bathhouse complex, “VozPitanie” – food delivery, “SchastLifchik” – a lingerie store, “TriKotaZh” – a clothing store.