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Work on the wall timeline?

Social mia have set many changes in motion in recent years; from the way we communicate, air our opinions to how we absorb information. Now, images have always been an important mium to express a feeling or to get a feeling about something. But slowly I see a trend emerging, which was slowly set in motion with the Facebook timeline and certainly with tools like Pinterest. And that is telling stories through images and text. Or, visual storytelling.

“Information Is Cheap, Meaning Is Expensive” – George Dyson

With our sharing culture, fuel by social mia, a mountain of information and content has been releas via social channels. pakistan phone number list  The content is flooding into our fes, lists, streams and mailboxes. It is more than we can ever take in, and for some it is even leading to information fatigue.


This implies that if you still

A want to stand out with your content and be able to profile yourself, you ne to use a Work on the wall  different approach that fits in with the way of life (read: target group). Content should not only be fast, easy, digestible, attractive and informative. But in this era of social mia in which transparency and authenticity are important, this means that showing personality and a look behind the scenes should be well represent. I  hubspot vs. wordpress: cms comparison see a valuable role for visual storytelling in this.


Facebook has made a great start with the timeline, which allows us to share information in a cyprus business directory  narrative way. The new layout also provides much more space for photo material.

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