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When trading only in a certain region

When trading The name can emphasize the geographic location of the store, for example, “UralTech”, “Sibirskie Pirogi”.

Domain Adaptation and Marketing

The name of the online store should be convenient for use in marketing, because it will appear in the following elements:

  • Website domain. Choose names that are easy to read and write in Latin to adapt them to the domain. It is better not to use Cyrillic domains like store.rf, since in correspondence and when copying they often turn into an chinese overseas british database incomprehensible set of characters like xn--h1adl0b.xn--p1ai.
  • Logo. Choose short names of 1-2 words that can be designed as a logo. Long or complex words are more difficult to make part of a recognizable design.
  • Hashtags and social media page addresses. Check how the name looks in hashtag or link format, for example, #МИРМЕБели or @shokodeko.
  • Slogans. A good name can be easily combined with advertising phrases. For example, the slogan of the shoe and accessory chain Kari is: “If shoes, then Kari.”

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Legal aspects of naming

The name must comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, including the Law on Advertising:

  • It is forbidden to use obscene language and offensive statements. For example, in 2019, Rospatent refused to register the Yobidoebi company’s trademark, considering the name offensive and contrary to Russian laws. Over the course maldivian lads of several years, the company repeatedly received complaints, and in 2024, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation ordered the food chain to change its name to another.
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