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What is the Pix fee for companies and how do I create charges?

Pix arrived in 2020 and transformed the way people and companies make payments or financial transactions. The method quickly surpassed the old TED and DOC, reaching millions of users in the country.

Since then, there has been a lot of news about Pix for Individuals. However, many questions have arisen about Pix for PJ . After all, can companies have Pix? Are there fees? What are the benefits of Pix for companies, physical stores or e-commerce?

Keep following to discover all the advantages of Pix PJ and start using it right now!

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How does Pix work for companies?

Pix has revolutionized the way a store , whether physical or online, receives and processes payments. Instant sweden whatsapp number data in the account, available every day, regardless of the time, and lower fees are some of the advantages for companies.

Pix for Legal Entities works the same way as for Individuals: you just need to have an account with a bank, fintech or payment platform . After that, just register a Pix key to start making instant transactions.

See below how Pix works in e-commerce and retail , and its advantages.

  • Pix business account in e-commerce: payments can be made in a straightforward manner, with immediate compensation. In addition, there is no need for credit or debit cards. The money is transferred immediately, ensuring agility;
  • Pix PJ in retail: even with payment via debit card, a retailer would receive the money on the third business day. With Pix, the customer simply has to pay via QR Code or Pix key, and the amount will be credited to the account in a few seconds.

What is the Pix fee for companies?

One question that many entrepreneurs have is whether Pix charges a fee . Pix for companies may charge fees, but the amounts are set by the do you have an idea and want to help? or payment institution. Even so, it remains cheaper than TED.

Remember that there are no restrictions on the size of the business: from individual microentrepreneurs (MEIs) to large corporations can use Pix PJ. Check Asaas rates .

What are the advantages of Pix for companies?

All companies can use Pix, regardless of size, segmentation or value. The only requirement is that they have an account or digital maldivian lads at a participating institution.

Pix is ​​capable of streamlining interactions between customers and businesses by making direct and quick payments.

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