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When we talk to others

The inner parent is literally a copy of our real parents, but inside our head. on behalf of the inner parent, we either care, love and patronize, or we forbid, criticize and punish. And we treat ourselves exactly the same way our real parents treated us in childhood. Even if we are well over 40. Parental strategies are fixed in our psyche up to 8 years old, then we only strengthen our mental apparatus.

Ad finally, the inner adult is the detached, observant part inside us

Thanks to it, we to others make decisions wisely and responsibly, regulate our emotions and act. It is this that helps the inner child bc data vietnam and parent find a common language. For example, when you are very annoyed at work because of a conflict with a colleague, it is the inner adult that helps you stay calm and find a rational way out of the situation, rather than yelling at the whole office. When we need to do something, it is the inner adult that does it.

Ad now the answer to the question

why does an adult behave like a child? An adult behaves like a child in those cases when he ignores the inner adult. Both in stressful situations and in everyday life, a person is emotionally unstable and is not able to make adequate decisions. That is, he behaves childishly.

If in childhood we the complete guide to link building in western europe did  to others not have an example of adult behavior before our eyes, our parents behaved childishly (for example, they were constantly offended, blamed us for their failures) or suppressed us (forbade the child to express himself and forced him agb directory to follow family rules unquestioningly), then, most likely, the figure of the inner adult is very weak or completely absent. This is where infantile behavior comes from, because a person most often lives the ego-state of a child.


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