Are web usability tests really necessary. When it comes to improving our seo positioning?
In the beginning, seo was a matter of reading. A lot of articles in english and doing. A lot of testing, although there. Were disciplines such as programming (especially html) that. Could help you make a significant leap in quality.
you can be a little naughty and take this practice further
If we do not tell the user which site to test (we do not specify that they have to go to the elcortebritánico website) they will perform a generic search (not for a brand) on google and will find results from the competition.
This way we can see how
it behaves with different snippets and even uae phone number library ask it, before it accesses any site, which result it would click on and why .
finally, there will be times when you might look at these examples ask the user how they would search for something very specific .
for products that match a wide variety of search patterns
This practice will be limited to tests for products contact lists that the user knows first-hand, so that they have enough information to decide on a specific type of search and thus make the task something minimally “personal” and provide variety to the test.