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The same applies to the

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The same applies to theIn 2022 it is still necessary that you mention the keyword not just once in the text, but possibly several times. But that usually comes automatically The same applies with good content. Keyword included in the alt attribute of the images → The alt attribute of the images is important for the consistency of the respective URL. If you have a category “Men’s Shoes”, then there should also be several images that have men’s shoes in the alt attribute.  be the case that men’s shoes are visible. If you are linked to, that is better than to In the first case you have the keyword in the link text, in the second case you don’t! The importance has probably decreased slightly, but today a lot of URLs are also descriptive – in 2014 this was even rarer.

Here the photographer could


Google now not only reads the text, but The The same applies to thesame applies also Bulgaria WhatsApp Number List deciphers the image and tries to understand the content of the image using AI. You do not believe me? I uploaded this photo to Vision AI (Google image recognition software). Seocracy block and cup Google recognizes the surface of a table, a cup and a book. Seocracy block and cup … and of course the text too.  place the block differently next time so that the second logo can also be recognized correctly. Try Google AI yourself with an image (Click on Drag Image File here) .


Today it should also

Whatsapp Number List

Of course, it takes a lot of computing The same applies The same applies to thepower to do this for Saudi Arabia Phone Number List all URLs in the index that contain images. Google now has the computing power to do this for every image – Google Mum will take another huge step forward here.   Indirectly it is definitely important, but directly it was never a ranking factor. File name of the document keyword.html ↘ file name of the document. Another important thing is that many external links only show the URL and no keyword.

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