And finally, the most important thing: the marathon of desires will be truly effective only when a person has strong internal supports, self-confidence, the ability to analyze and adapt to the situation. Then he will be able to choose an information product that is truly useful for him and use it as a tool to help achieve the goal.
The biggest mistake is to hope that the marathon of desires will significantly change your life for the better. of our happiness, because only we truly know what we want to be and what are the signs of success for us. In order for the program to be truly useful, it is important to choose the right ones from the opportunities it gives and use them yourself. Only then will everything turn out as it should.
Why are successful people often lonely?
Reading time: 4 min.
Natalia the creators Zhukova
Master of Psychology
Gestalt therapist
There is an opinion that entrepreneurial life, especially successful one, is associat with a constant feeling of loneliness. Is it true? Let’s try to figure it out.
Causes of loneliness
According to the creators rich people database research, 76% of entrepreneurs report loneliness. When analyzing the phenomenon of loneliness, two concepts can be distinguish:
loneliness as a subjective state of the individual, associat with internal causes;
loneliness as a ruction in contacts due to reasons independent of the individual.
Let’s look at the first point first. For simplicity, let’s call it habits.
The habit of getting carri away
Entrepreneurs are often so immers my first year as a freelancer is behind me in their business that they have very little resource left for interactions the creators outside of work. Passionate people are admirable, but often when meeting and agb directory communicating with them more closely, there is a feeling of a wall around the person due to the fact that he is so passionate about his project that nothing else is of interest to him.