In the 1970s, a group of scientists conduct an experiment involving the University of Southern California School people fall into of Micine, as a result of which they discover a phenomenon call the “Dr. Fox effect.”
The psychology students were divid into two groups
In one group, the class was taught by people fall into a real professor, in the other by a hir actor who took the pseudonym “Dr. Myron Fox.” He was dress in a suit and glasses, gesticulat actively during the lecture, act confidently, and people fall into his speech was full of “smart” words, which he deftly us, although he did not always engineer database understand their meaning. After the class, the students were interview. It turn out that the impostor, due to his bright presentation, seem more expert to them than the real professor.
The authors of wish marathons know
Very well how people fall into influential charisma can be and what an attractive effect terms have, so they actively use these tools to attract and retain an audience. If we are honest with ourselves, deep down we all want problems to be solv easily and quickly. Because of this, slogans like “get rich in three days and one action” people fall into seem very attractive. Unscrupulous “teachers” have learn to exploit our childhood hopes for a miracle and dreams of a magic pill.
Also, for many, the emotional upsurge
That occurs people fall into during when illness enters life marathon becomes a kind of drug. Real life with its problems and agb directory difficulties sharply contrasts with the atmosphere of energy and the feeling that everything is about to get better, which arises during the program. The desire to recharge with such energy again makes you move from one marathon to another, even if they do not give a noticeable effect.