My colleague Anika explains

In theory, the more independent (non-supporting) long-tail keywords you can cover, the better. Conclusion It’s high time to bring your long-tail My colleague Anika keywords out of the shadows and give them a permanent place in your SEO strategy. The important thing is to define beforehand how much space you will give them.   I can recommend my blog post on the topic of internal linking & SEO .

In the second step you

It ranks poorly for the long-tail keyword – and for My colleague Anika no other relevant keywords; it will not be clicked. #3 Optimize the parent landing page Your Lebanon WhatsApp Number Data analysis shows: It is not worth having an independent page from a user perspective/SERP perspective.   This means that Googlebot and your users will find it much easier to find their way around your website if you work with a strategy for your internal linking. Note: This blog post is for advanced readers who want to work with their internal linking. If you would like to refresh your basic knowledge of internal links.


Create a new landing page

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Are you looking for a good online marketing Canada Email List agency? We’re here for you!  The reason: The product is the content itself; scaling traffic is more successful with medium to large keywords.  This is where long-tail keywords are a good way to build authority.   Individual product pages are worthwhile targets for optimization. What speaks against this is the sheer mass of products; manual optimization is expensive and is disproportionate to the benefits.

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