Lack of confidence in themselves and their arguments, fear of being wrong or lack of persuasiveness can be the reason why people prefer to give in rather than defend their point of view.
“Why get involv? I’ll lose anyway.” Lack of communication skills is easily solv with training, practice, and work with a psychologist.
Overcoming fear and protecting interests
Defending your communication skills interests is, first of all, about our internal state, about the ability to build personal boundaries. Can we defend ourselves or not?
To learn this, you ne to get out of all impos scenarios, free yourself from patterns, stereotypes, beliefs, and stop believing in existing cognitive distortions.
It is also important to become aware of your feelings and thoughts, increase your self-esteem and confidence, develop communication skills and constructive conflict resolution. It is also important to consider that communication skills protecting your own interests does not mean aggression or conflict, but is an important element of self-care.
Standing up for yourself requires psychological maturity and willingness
Once yo communication bc data thailand skills develop the skill of standing up for your personal boundaries, you will find it easier to express your nes and values. This will help you feel more autonomous, respect, and satisfi in life.
Jennifer Alexandra Mitchell
Emotionally-figurative therapist
Why does an adult behave like a child? Before answering this question, let’s define a couple of simple concepts. They will help us understand it fully.
Each of us consists of 3 parts
the inner child, the inner the complete guide to seo in central asia adult and the inner parent. In fact, these are not really our parts, but rather ego states, that is, states of thoughts, feelings and behavior, between which we constantly switch.
The inner child is responsible for our desires, spontaneity, playfulness and creativity. And since children have no power, the inner child agb directory is often forc to conform to the expectations of others, sometimes even to the detriment of their own desires. In addition to obeying adults, he can also rebel against rules and restrictions, that is, the inner Child has two strategies: submission and confrontation.