Of the appearance and spread of Legionella , through a PSL (Health Plan against Legionella) or a PPCL (Prevention and Control Plan against Legionella). The owner of the facilities must issue, through a responsible declaration, the PPCL documents and records and promote the review of said plan in case there are important deviations during its evaluation. Furthermore, to minimize the possible presence, proliferation and dispersion of legionella , the owner will carry out preventive measures, such as eliminating or reducing dirty areas, stagnation and the accumulation of dirt in the facilities. It will also avoid conditions that favor the survival of said bacteria , through temperature control and water disinfection and minimization of aerosols, among others.
It must guarantee that all staff
Whether internal or external, have the training required by the standard. The Personnel Training Program must contemplate the list of contents based on the activities linked to the PPCL or the PSL and the functions of the workers. How to act in a case or outbreak of legionellosis The owners of the facilities in which Legionella proliferates and spreads will be obliged to carry out various actions, coordinated by the health authority , which will decide the actions to be carried out depending on the case. The owner of the facilities must apply all the instructions established by the health authority , such as those described in article 15 of Royal Decree 487/2022 , among others, the total or partial paralysis of the facility, as well as the cleaning treatment. and disinfection and new sampling in case of structural reforms.
On the other hand, there are documentary obligations
That the owner must prove to the health authority, to demonstrate that the measures established by it have been carried out. And if there are structural defects, it must be proven that these have been corrected within the established period.Having a blog on our website, in which clients or users can write comments, can undoubtedly contribute to greatly improving the digital communication of our company . We all know the importance for companies of having a strong presence on the internet. This includes both social networks and the company’s own website. And within this website, having a blog where you publish content is essential to reach more users, who end up being customers.