What applies to 1st generation HRM also applies to 1st generation Communication, 1st generation Finance, Legal, you name it. It is interesting to note that stories about generation 1 and 2 were already heard from the pulpit 10 years ago. The transformation to the 2nd generation (and beyond) lies just as much outside the HRM competence area as within it. According to Bleumink, the thresholds that the transformation to eHRM must overcome are people, processes and technology . Solutions require a balance between these 3 elements. A clear connection that is indeed not limited to the HRM department.
Many HRM decision-makers are still
A digital immigrants, or digitally non-integrated, or maladapted. They are people who do not understand what SEO is, for example. Their el salvador phone number listbehavior clashes with the new generation of digital natives , those who do not understand why a telephone used to have a cord. This slows down innovation. For example, not all people want to get rid of paperwork. Today’s employees want more responsibility for their own (profile) information, but also want to be able to arrange and do things themselves, to be able to pick up and drop off. Paper bureaucracy and dependency structures no longer fit in with this. Young people in particular want to do at work what they can do at home, for example via their apps on the iPhone. Yes, HRM is also becoming a 24/7 activity, via SaaS and cloud computing, according to Bleumink.
This shows that the digital problems on the
HRM work floor show more similarities than differences with the digitalizing problems elsewhere in today’s organizations. , eHRM essentially revolves around digital working. This plays a prominent role in The New Way of Working. People Communicate Electronically (i.e. digitally) with each other. And that squared: HNW=MCE2
The impact of the “e” in modern organizations transcends departments and pillars. Much of the work that was moved to depart list of us mobile phone numbers databases ments earlier this century is now being pushed back into the organization. New collaboration tools and social media make this . In Raet’s automation possible (and desirable). We have been seeing this happening for some time in enterprise content management. Modern employees are increasingly taking responsibility for this themselves (as they want to). hubspot vs. wordpress: cms comparisonHRM content naturally falls under this just as much .