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In a catchy and digestible way you can create

An article alone is no longer enough to engage customers or the public, and the slick stock photos are slowly becoming obsolete. People (both consumers and companies) increasingly value a behind-the-scenes and Instagram-like image.

Why this shift? I think, because we

No longer believe in the standard and the opaque. We want to see real people! The people behind those tight static  paraguay phone number list websites, the people behind the story. And preferably with telling and/or funny anecdotes.

That’s why visual storytelling will be the new trend.A relevant and powerful content.

Very practical, have you ever thought that the ‘About’ or ‘About us’ page does not have to be presented so standard and stiff? Isn’t it much more fun and expressive to see a slideshow with real photos of employees and their story? Or the explanation of the service you provide  cyprus business directory  or the product you offer made clear by.

How others use visualizations


37Signals Highrise
They provided the marketing page with a large photo of one of the employees. In order to achieve the right conversion, trends and predictions for the future  they portrayed a number of different employees under the motto, “We need to test radically different things. We don’t know what works. Destroy all assumptions. We need to find what works and keep iterating—keep learning,” according to Jason Fried. The conclusion of their tests is that it doesn’t matter whether the subject of the photo is a man or a woman, as long as the employee is smiling.

The Great Discontent


TGD is an online magazine. The first thing you see when you arrive at the homepage  .  In a catchy and digestible is a full-screen photo. The photo appeals to you or not; you have a feeling about it, you like the colours, you are carried away by the emotion or you have nothing to do with it at all. Either way, that first impression determines whether you want to read the article or not.

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