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The human brain is ready

The power of formulation. Many of us cannot achieve success for a very simple reason: we do not have a clear image of the result. to spend energy only when it understands the end goal well and this goal is personal, sincere, not imposed from the outside. That is, if we think “I want a car,” the brain receives too little information.

Here is another formulation

“I want a car that I can drive around the city and sometimes go out into nature. So that there is enough room for two adults, two children and a dog, there is a large trunk.” Here our brain already receives specifics that we can work with: determine the model, find out the cost, compare with your capabilities, think human brain about the option of buying it.

Confidence boost

“You can do it,” “You’ll succeed,” “We believe in you” — many of us lack this kind of support in life to take a risk, overcome our fears, and start acting. In this case, desire marathons become a support, from which we decide to take employment database steps that can lead to a dream.
Field influence. Everyone knows the saying: “One man is no match for another.” It is also relevant for situations when human brain you have to fight your own indecisiveness. At the Marathon of Desires, participants actively support and encourage each other. This gives a very powerful energy boost, a feeling of fulfillment and self-confidence.

However, such “magic” may have a short-term effect or may not work at

Without the necessary human agb directory brain skills, sufficient self-confidence, readiness for real action and internal discipline, no miracle only we can be the creators happens. Napoleon Hill, the author of the bestseller “Think and Grow Rich,” said: “In general, there is no such thing as “something for nothing.” In the end, you get exactly what you pay for.” When participating in the marathon of desires, we pay for motivation. Everything else depends on us.


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