Framing is using certain words to deliberately evoke positive or negative associations in the listener. Framing is a powerful tool when it comes to conveying a message. This controls the conversation is because it is not visible, so people do not see the edges of a story. In this way, you can influence a point of view.
What is framing? controls the conversation
Framing is frequently used in politics. By using or not using certain words, or by distorting them, politicians deliberately evoke associations in the public. Think of ‘Yes, we can’, with which Obama won the elections. Or Wilders’ ‘headscarf tax’ and Trump’s ‘fake news’. And if an SP politician speaks of ‘villa subsidy’ and a VVD member of ‘mortgage interest deduction’, they are talking about the same thing, but with a world of difference.
As a Marketeer, Inside Sales, Account Manager etc. you can also benefit from framing. For example, do not call your quote a quote, but rather a proposal. Quote is often associated with money and costs. So think carefully about the words you use. Also in your sales conversations. Framing can be learned through a lot of practice. It is important that you look at reality with a different perspective.
With framing, you package or frame the south africa phone number library message in such a way that people only see the part that you want to show, very clearly and distinctly. And offer little resistance to your message. The other perspectives that exist fall outside the frame at that moment, so that they are no longer activated. If you use framing, you are therefore much more convincing. Language is a how do the sellers of happiness catch us? powerful tool, if you use it well. If your message fits exactly with the recipient’s experience and if you use the right words and/or images for that, people see that as the perspective. You give them, as it were, a flashlight or glasses with blinkers on, which gives the emphasis to a limited part of reality: the part that you want them to see.
Different types of frames controls the conversation
Framing can be used in various communication possibilities. This allows you to influence a reaction and play on the feelings of another. Everyone has a frame at any time school email list during a conversation. If you can recognize the frame of your conversation partner, you can anticipate it and adjust your choice of words and the direction of the conversation accordingly. There are four different frames that can be adopted: power frame, analytical frame, moral authoritarian frame and time frame.
Want to read more about power frames and analytical frames? Read our blog ‘Framing: Conversation techniques to increase sales’ .