But even then you

Conclusion As you can see, the question of whether in-house or agency is not that easy to answer. In my opinion, it is important to have an easily accessible contact person in the company. I tend to think: the more work and the more constant this work, the more you should fill it with good in-house SEOs. From a working time of 2-3 full-time positions, I find that an in-house team has a clear advantage over an agency. Because then the team has enough exchange, there are development opportunities and this constellation works very well.

Then read on here! How much

W- or your team should have an But even then agency – that Ecuador WhatsApp Number List can provide you with top support or regularly breathe a fresh breeze of knowledge into your company – for example through an external SEO audit . Do you want to know how much SEO costs?  does SEO cost? We are of course happy to help you as an agency and also check which constellation is best suited for you. Just write us a message . Watch this post as a video The article is available as.


Google can understand and

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Google Mum is not an algorithm But even then update and has Australia WhatsApp Number List nothing directly to do with rankings. It is a new type of Natural Language Processing , the way  process text. Basically, it is important to understand how Google works internally. Often the search queries you make are rewritten by Google (without you noticing) and only then is the search query made. Google Mum is a new way that Google itself uses search internally. To do this, MUM must actually understand the search query, i.e. know what it is about. The previous technology called BERT could answer “How high is (Mount) Fuji?” MUM can now give the answer to the question: “I hiked Mount Adams and now want to hike Mount Fuji in the fall.

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