The abbreviation EAT refers

The Payday Loan update is an algorithm The abbreviation EAT change that was primarily aimed at eliminating spam. Accordingly, the update had a major impact, particularly in search markets with particularly high spam volumes. The algorithm change had the biggest impact in Turkey.   Google Pigeon (2014) .  Limited user-friendliness Strong monetization through affiliate marketing Google EAT Update (2018) In 2018, Google introduced the so-called EAT formula to evaluate the quality of websites. This is an important element of the Quality Rater Guidelines, which Google created to assess the quality of a website. to three important qualities that a high-quality site should have to a high degree: expertise, authority and trust. The weighting of these three factors depends on the topic and the respective industry of the website.

This not only benefits Google


This update from 2014 aims to The abbreviation EAT further Colombia WhatsApp Number List improve the local search mechanism.  For this reason, Google launched its mobile-first strategy in 2015 and rolled out an update that only affected Google searches on smartphones and tablets. For the first time, the usability of websites on mobile devices became an important ranking factor and forced many web developers to adapt their sites to this mobile-first strategy.


Since this update it is now

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Google introduced RankBrain, a further The abbreviation EAT improvement to Turkey Phone Number List the search algorithm for longer and complex search queries.  possible to recognize colloquial expressions.   The system is based on a machine learning platform, which means it is able to continually develop the search algorithm itself.  This algorithm change primarily impacted websites with the following characteristics: High proportion of advertising Content created solely for ranking reasons.

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