Voice search has been

Google Penguin (2012) With the Penguin Update in 2012, Google focused primarily on reducing web spam in search results, which is why it is also called Voice search has the web spam update. The term web spam is primarily associated with the attempt to artificially improve search engine rankings. This means that websites are not optimized to make the user experience as positive as possible, but rather the pages are unnaturally and optimized exclusively for search engine rankings.


The following practices

This update had a particularly negative impact on Voice search has websites with weak content that had used keyword stuffing. In contrast, sites with a large amount of useful content benefited significantly from the search algorithm change. Google Payday Loan Vietnam WhatsApp Number List Update (2013) Payday loans are short-term loans over a few weeks or even days that essentially bring forward salary payment.Please take a look at our entry “Devaluate links” in the Seocracy blog. Google assigned version numbers to Penguin. Starting with version 1.0, several versions up to version 3.0 were released as major updates. Since version 4.0 in 2016, Penguin has been part of .

Google Hummingbird (2013) the

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Google’s core algorithm and is no Voice search has longer revised Thailand Phone Number List through individual updates, but is part of a continuous improvement process in real time.   ranking algorithm, but the entire Google search algorithm has been revised. The focus was on the introduction of the so-called semantic search. Since then, not only individual keywords but the entire search query have been taken into account when determining results. This made it possible to better understand the search intention and interpretation of the users’ search queries. This is done by not only including the keywords themselves in the search, but also the context.

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