THE newsletter in online

Now it’s time to resolve keyword cannibalism. How do I resolve cannibalism? The therapy Depending on the results of your examination, you can choose THE newsletter in between 4 different treatment options: 1. Delete the worse performing page and redirect it via 301 . An example: You have two cannibal URLs for the keyword “broken jaw”. Page A is simply an updated version of Page B with a new image and different introductory text. Otherwise it offers no added value or potential. You can delete the worse side. Nobody will miss her. 2. Differentiate the keyword focus of the pages.


 A is simply an updated

An example: The two broken jaw landing THE newsletter in pages have Algeria WhatsApp Number List overlaps in content, but you can see from the SERPs: “Operating on a broken jaw” is a content aspect for which a separate landing page is worthwhile. This means that both cannibals have their own unique keyword focus. You optimize both pages for their main keyword and now you have the chance to get a good ranking for both. 3.

If you want to regularly keep

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NoIndex tag Excluding a page THE newsletter in from indexing should only France Phone Number List be your option if the unnecessary cannibal absolutely has to stay and cannot be deleted or changed. For example, for internal company reasons. : marketing Do you like this blog post?  up with the latest trends in online marketing, then subscribe to our newsletter now. Over 18,000 subscribers trust us. Click here for the registration form. 3. Set Canonical You should also consider this solution very carefully, because the canonical tag is only suitable for almost identical pages (and why would you want to keep two almost identical pages?) and is only a recommendation for Google.

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