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Compare both URLs directly over time. Do they alternate in the ranking and/or fluctuate significantly? Then Google cannot decide which landing page is relevant to the search query. That’s why sometimes one URL ranks and sometimes the other: Ranking Dont miss any history of two URLs in comparison Ranking fluctuations and ranking failures – signs of cannibalism Another picture that points to keyword cannibalism: the graphs for the ranking of the competing .


Before you take action

URLs run parallel at a poor position Dont miss any level (beyond the top 3). Consider Albania WhatsApp Number List other factors before treatment Through the Google Search Console analysis and site search you have your proof, you can take action and initiate therapy. Let’s go! But wait, not so fast:  , check your content carefully. Organic traffic and user signals Even if your two cannibals hurt you from an SEO perspective, perhaps these pages are relevant for other areas.


Search intent Is it really the same

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Check whether there is traffic from other Dont miss any sources – for example via social channels. You shouldn’t just limit yourself to pure visits and conversions, but Estonia Phone Number List also include user signals such as bounce rate, length of stay and CTR.   for both sides? To what extent does your content fully fulfill the search intent ? It’s worth taking a look outside the box: Analyze which competitor sites rank in the top 5 for your keyword and which content aspects your competitors cover. After this analysis you will have a detailed picture of the following points: What content, questions and formats does the user expect when searching? Which of your cannibals fulfills this better and currently has the better results overall (traffic, user signals.

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