Ranking comparison in Search

To do this, enter the keyword in the search field in your browser’s incognito mode and add “site:domain.de” in front of it. This tells you that Google should only search your own website for the keyword. Voila! Your suspected cannibals are among Ranking comparison in the first hits, the snippets are similar, the thematic overlap is given: Example of a site search Keyword cannibalism or not? you a first impression, often the answer after the check is: Could be keyword cannibalism – or not. In the example screenshot, the first two hits appear to indicate keyword cannibalization. But clues are not proof, so let’s go into detail now. What tools can I use to detect cannibalism in SEO.

URL changes and multiple


Sistrix and Semrush clearly list   rankings and Ranking comparison in have Afghanistan WhatsApp Number List a function that shows you cannibalism. Keyword cannibalism feature by Sistrix 1 keyword, 3 URLS, top 3 rankings: keyword cannibalism. But keep an eye on this as it may become problematic in the future if the ranking changes. (for example from 2 to 4 or 3 to 6 or similar) Detect keyweord cannibalization with Sistrix 1 keyword, 3 URLS, poor rankings: could be cannibals.

Analyze keyword cannibalism in

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You should always carry out a case-by-case analysis China Phone Number List and view the tool data only as indications – which you Ranking comparison in evaluate and question. 2.   Google Search Console Check which URLs rank for your keyword in Google Search Console. What is important here is that you don’t just look at the ranking, but also at the clicks and impressions. If the values ​​of both URLs for Ranking, Impressions and Clicks only differ slightly, cannibalization is present.

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