Two snippets for your

Keyword overlaps do not require treatment Example: Landing page A has the main keyword “broken legs” (search volume 1,300), landing page B has Two snippets for the main keyword “broken bones” (search volume 3,600). Both pages rank in the top 5 of the SERPs with the keyword “Bruch OP” (search volume 70). All-clear: It is completely normal for a page to rank for many topic-relevant long-tail keywords . As SEOs, we define main and secondary keywords for a landing page – but that doesn’t mean that search engines only pay attention to these keywords.

In this case you can

And that’s good. Because honestly: who wants Two snippets for to miss out on the beautiful long-tail traffic? Keyword overlaps are not a problem in this UK WhatsApp Number Data case. Indented Search Results Example: Two landing pages rank 1st and 2nd in the SERPs with the keyword “broken leg” (search volume 880): Search results page for broken leg Indented search results are not keyword cannibalism.   not only relax, but also be happy: you have landed an indented search result. This means that up to three snippets from the same domain are displayed one below the other in the.

You can be happy about

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SERPs – slightly indented.   this Two snippets for because Google Cambodia Phone Number List considers the content of your domain to be so relevant that several pieces of content with a similar topic can benefit from a ranking. Nice side effect: content means that your competitors have less space on the results page. If you would like to know more about indented search results and their distribution in the SERPs, then I recommend the blog post by the SEO colleagues at MOZ (in English) .

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