Make sure the anchor text

Avoid broken links by either redesigning the relevant page or using a 301 redirect to redirect Googlebot and your users to the relevant page. Tip: Check your status codes regularly and correct any errors. Do not link to canonized pages, but to the original page. Link in the text Work often with cross-references in the text! Google likes it when the main keyword is linked in the anchor text. You can use the link title and the surrounding text to give Google further information about what the linked page contains. Do you already know the exciting example with the word “here”.

They contain the same

Links on Canonicals, 302 or 301 redirects Status codes 302 and 301 are redirects. 302 redirects are temporary redirects and do not pass on any Make sure the SEO New Zealand WhatsApp Number Data power. a permanent redirect and passes on the SEO power. You should use permanent redirects instead of temporary redirects so that you don’t lose any SEO power. Canonicals is similar to 302 redirects.  or very similar content as the URL they point to. Marking another site as “canonical” can prevent duplicate content. These referrals do not pass on SEO power like the 301 redirect does.


The 301 redirect is

WhatsApp Number List

Canonicals, like your redirects, should Make sure the point directly to the correct page to avoid redirect chains.  If not, then you can find out in my blog post on the topic of Italy Email List internal links & SEO what happens when you google the word “here” and why links in the text are so important. Tip: Links in the text are viewed very positively by Google. is relevant and gives an idea of ​​what Googlebot and users can expect from the URL. 18,000 subscribers can’t be wrong You don’t want to miss any of our posts and stay up to date? Subscribe to our newsletter now and receive every new Seocracy article by email directly to your inbox.

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