The content of the page

Make sure that not just every URL – even The content of fantasy URLs – output an http status of 200, otherwise you will have the soft 404 errors mentioned above. Status code 301: permanent redirect The http status code 301 is the permanent redirect.  You can easily check the success of the ranking transfer in the Google Search Console: Compare the ranking of the old URL with the new URL using the GSC filters: seocracy-url-ranking-by-redirect Comparing the two URLs shows how the “new” URL starts to rank better after the redirect.

URL checker tool


You can find out whether The content of Google India WhatsApp Number Data has already accepted your 301 redirect using the Google Search Console  : seocracy url checking tool If the URL checker tool shows the note “Page with redirect” for your redirected page and you can find your desired redirect destination under the canonical .


Google has already found

WhatsApp Number List

URL, you already know that   your The content of redirect. Application of 301 redirect: Since this is a piece of content that can now be found on another page, this Russia Telegram Number status code is only used if there is a domain change or a URL structure change. Important: to which the redirect leads should correspond or at least be similar to the original content. A typical use case in SEO is e.g. B. also the merging of two very similar sites.

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