Conducting digital marketing audits

To promote its Open Days, The University of Cambridge sent an email to newsletter subscribers. Adding the word “Now” in the CTA more urgently pushes prospects to take action and register for the event.Taking a similar approach, the Toronto Film School uses urgency in the subject line of its email. The CTA incorporates the words “very last chance” to urge prospects who haven’t registered yet for the program to do so—or miss out.By using these phrases, your school can also cultivate a sense of exclusivity. Phrases like “subscribers only” or “limited spots available” can help motivate your prospects to sign up more quickly. They can even be used in your school’s newsletter to generate leads as well as enrollments.

Integrate Your School’s Value Proposition in an Effective Call to Action

In the first image, the CTA can attract students specifically looking to explore the student experience. By inviting prospects to “Experience Life On Campus,” Summer Discovery can spark their curiosity and entice them to learn more about what they can expect from the program. In the second image, the text promises to help prospects find the perfect campus. This can naturally draw in curious prospects who are wondering which campus is the best fit for them. Creating a sense of urgency may prompt prospects to complete an action more quickly in order not to miss out on your school’s offer. For this to Telegram Number Data  work, you can incorporate time-related language. Effective call to action phrases that use this tactic can include some of the following words.

Connect with Your Prospective Students through Dynamic CTAs

Aim to Encourage Curiosity and Create a Sense of Urgency Your school should also focus on eliciting an emotional response with an effective call to action, prompting prospects to take action. The emotion you generate can stem from your efforts to encourage curiosity and create a sense of urgency. Prospects who are more invested in your message and curious about your offer will more likely convert. Example: On Summer Discovery’s homepage, prospects can explore content and learn more CUB Directory about the distinguishing features of available programs. To generate curiosity, Summer Discovery uses CTAs that motivate prospects to delve deeper.

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