Is Alt Text for Images Important for Good SEO?

Let’s look further into the effects that alt text SEO. When it comes to SEO for blogs, you need to make sure these things are properly optimised: Keywords and key phrases Readability Images Backlinks Article length Many SEO writers make the mistake of thinking that in the Image category, all it takes to optimise your blog is to add an image. This is an extremely flawed perception as the Google algorithm can’t directly recognise the content of images. It depends mainly on the image’s description, which is the alt text. Failure to include an alt text on websites is synonymous with failure to include an optimised image. Beyond adding an alt text, you need to be aware of what a good alt text is to create a proper image alt text.

How to Write SEO-friendly Alt Text for Your Images?

Alt texts are found in the HTML image tag. This can be checked by right-clicking on an image on the browser and choosing the “inspect” option. The image tag would look some WhatsApp Number thing like this; <img src=“picture.jpg” alt=“picture description”> In the picture description, you must describe your picture using the required keyword. After uploading the image in CMS, adding alt tags for images SEO is straightforward. Almost all CMS will have an option for adding the alt text for your images. For example, using a CMS like WordPress or Wix, you can add the alt text through their interface. You must first upload your images and right-click on the existing image. You will see the “Alt Text” option, where you must enter the image descriptions.

Alt Text Should Include Keywords

Alt text optimisation for images should be written with the same seriousness as SEO writing. Including relevant keywords in alt text enhances the chances of better search en CUB Directory gine rankings. But don’t overdo it. This could ruin things instead of making them better. It’s important to consider tools like Yoast Image alt attributes checker to ensure appropriate keyword density. Treating alt text as a part of your overall SEO strategy can significantly improve your online visibility. website analysis report Source The tool can also let you know when the alt text is not suitable for the topic of your post. page analysis improvements Source Alt Text Should Be Relatively Brief Aim for the balance between descriptive and keyword conciseness. This will help to improve readability and avoid keyword stuffing, which could arm your SEO writing. The alt text should be short yet complete. A good guideline is to keep it under 125 characters.

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