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A roundabout in a town called LIFE

At some point in our lives, more or less each of us reaches a place that I have called a roundabout in life. It is a period in which we think about our lives and, most importantly, about the path we should take next. Such a decision is not easy, so it takes a while, and we simply stop on our way and circle and circle… We think about the meaning of the current path and what our new, better path should look like. Better in that it will not only bring us joy korea email list and inner satisfaction, but also provide for us and our family.


Before we reached our roundabout, our life was going

in a certain direction and pace. Here and there, a small or large pothole appeared on the road, but it kept going. It happens that there are suddenly too many potholes and car accidents on the road, or the traffic on that road is too heavy for you, in short, our road no longer suits us. Gradually, feelings of inner dissatisfaction accumulate in us, and with them, the need for inner change also grows stronger. It grows stronger for so long and so A   it how to send a bill via whatsapp? complete guide brings us to our roundabout.

Your inner voices are heard and we fight with ourselves

because we have been taught since childhood that things have their own order, that it is normal to go to school regularly, then to work, to work honestly for 8 hours every day and to know that at the beginning of next month I will have my security. But our inner, free SELF screams that we do not want to work. We know that we need work to make a living, but we simply see the meaning of our life in something else and it is definitely not shops 9177 doing nothing. We realize that we were raised and led to something, but it simply does not suit us.

And it is this inner dissatisfaction that is the driving force of our future success! It is the force that can kick us out of our comfort zone, and we begin to entertain the idea of ​​liberation. The idea of ​​independent income and control A roundabout over our own time and activities.

Today is a magical time. It is magical especially in the

opportunities and possibilities it offers us. You just need to raise your head, open your eyes and mind and use them! I know that it may not always be that easy. Often we have our opportunity in front of us and we just don’t see it. Due to various circumstances, we are unable to see it. Believe me, I know what I am talking about. I will never forget the moment when my insight came, or as it is popularly called today, the “WOW” or “AHA” effect. At that moment, all the lamps, the sun, the moon, in short, everything you can think of, started to shine on my path. Things started to make sense to me, fit together like a puzzle and there was nothing to think about or hesitate about.

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