I decided to make an exception today and share with you a story from a summer ago. It is the story of a person very close to me – my husband. He agreed for me to publish his story. It can inspire or help not only those who are coping with an unfavorable diagnosis, but also those who are struggling with adversity as such. It can be any of us and if this story helps just one person, we will be happy for it and we know that it made sense to go to the market with the skin.
I would only like to say this much about his story
although he is a man and men are fighters by nature, we women have the gift of great perseverance and patience, and this is also very important in the fight, or acceptance, of a serious diagnosis. NOT GIVING UP and following the path that has become our goal. I met my husband when he had been living with his diagnosis for two years and he acted and still acts like a healthy person on the outside. He is not healthy, but he learned to live with his illness and accepted it as part of his life, part of his daily rituals. As I say, he learned it the same iraq email list When illness way he learned to brush his teeth twice a day in childhood…
I wish you all uninterrupted reading and a beautiful, happy summer!
My life didn’t end with type 1 diabetes
On the contrary, it just began and continues…
I will never forget those memorable words: “You know, Mr. Karman. everything will be different. You have type 1 diabetes.” This information, crucial for me, was given to me after 3 days in the hospital, where I was hospitalized with an acute blood sugar level of 56 mmol/l (note: the normal level is about 5-7 mmol/l). After starting insulin, my blood sugar level returned to relatively normal values. Unfortunately, I could not say the same about my life. No one could and could not tell me what would happen next.
A good career in the armed forces was what is the pix fee for companies and how do I create charges? irrevocable. As an active athlete, I wondered WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Will I be able to continue running? Go to the gym for circuit training? Continue to be a KRAV MAGA-KAPAP instructor (note: this is an Israeli self-defense system)? Many questions and no answers. Despite the support of my large, cheerful family, I HAD TO FIND THE ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS MYSELF. In three days in the hospital, I read everything I could about diabetes. Under the weight of information, I became an ever smaller person and my uncertainty was growing. What a person is, a different story. A different experience. My dream goals were disappearing into the distance and When illness all that remained was bitterness.
I have to do something! Change something so that
I can live my life, fulfill my dreams even shops 9177 in the shadow of an insulin pen. I haven’t lived my life actively so far just to fold my hands in my lap and fall into panic and hopelessness. Somewhere in the back of my head, a whispering bug was telling me: “You’re tough, you can do it. Get to know yourself. How your body and mind can function with insulin as a friend.”
Okay, here I go! I took a month off from work. I put together a plan called “HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH INSULIN AND RESTART YOUR LIFE. ” I focused the plan on three key issues.