As mention, the bulk of the conference offering was recruitment and marketing-driven. Web 2.0 and social mia-in-glory stories were told, topp off with an HRM sauce. It was therefore a nice exception that Microsoft of all companies came up with a story about internal communication and how people change when they are offer other collaboration tools . Janneke Patje echo an earlier sound from the day that communication (campaigns) alone are no longer enough if you want to change something in knowlge, attitude and behavior.
HRM and Communications have join forces within Microsoft Netherlands to make people more Microsoft, from employees to co-branders. This sounds scarier than it is, because in Microsoft’s proposition to the organization, people are central and a lot is expect of the interaction between those people. In addition, HR and Communications have realiz that they have lost control over social communication. The resistance that often exists against this is express in policies and guidelines, Patje notes. Microsoft has said from the start ‘we don’t do that’. And if a colleague approach Communications or HRM with the question ‘do you have guidelines?’, the answer, according to Patje, was ‘you are the guideline’. Those who have made the brand their own know how to act accordingly. ‘We let it go’.
Janneke Patje from Microsoft
But interaction between colleagues does not happen by itself. With an ultimate reality game that could be play by the organization for 8 weeks, egypt phone number list working together on solutions was introduc as desirable behavior via a game. The game and the participants (Silverline society) soon show different behavior than colleagues who did not participate in the game (everyone could participate, by the way). A learning experience here – which I (LR) have also record elsewhere – is that the virtual collective corrects itself and addresses individuals on socially undesirable (digital) behavior. The trust that the collective does this, you have to give to . Trust nes no that collective. Trust does not ne guidelines – to put it mildly – the speaker argu.
The only session (I attend)
that was about how the “e” changes organizations was by Johan Bleumink van Raet. Many HRM list of us mobile phone numbers databases activities – too many – are still done on paper. This is not only becoming relatively more expensive, as the alternatives to paper become cheaper. Paper also communicates an hubspot vs. marketo: a comprehensive comparison undesirable message to potential HRM colleagues. Modern employers must be sexy these days. Paper is not sexy.