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Website SEO process part 4: Building a reasonable website structure

If you have followed the series “Website SEO Process” – part 1:  researching keywords that need SEO ,  part 2:  dividing thousands of keywords  , part 3:  choosing a good domain name, good for SEO  , then you can start part 4: “Building a reasonable website structure”. To make it easier for you to understand, in the following article,  nanoweb  will give you the necessary factors to design a website with a reasonable model and structure, good for SEO.


1. Build the overall website structure framework

To build a reasonable website structure, good for SEO, many factors are needed. The first factor is to build a solid framework. Your website is like a house, if a house does not have a solid foundation, no matter how beautiful jordan whatsapp data the house is, how modern the facilities are, sooner or later it will collapse. Try to do it right from the beginning, if you do not want to have to tear it down and rebuild it later.

The overall website structure includes the following components:

– Top level: Domain

– Level 2: 1st floor menu

– Level 3: 2nd floor menu

– … n-floor menu

– … child article

There is no limit to how you can categorize, but remember that the more levels you categorize, the harder it is to SEO, and the more diluted your website will be. You should pay attention to categorize appropriately and usually stop thereby making their treatment at level 3 (2nd level menu), then divide into sub-articles for optimal results. You can refer to a sample like the image below:

As you can see above is an example of a website structure based bahrain leads on SEO keywords and domain naming as nanoweb  introduced in previous sections.


2. Website level 1 menu

How to set the title and url of the level 1 menu is especially important,to do SEO by category rather than SEO by article or SEO the homepage.

If you consider the domain as the main gate of a big house, named after the owner of that house, then when you open the main gate to enter the house, you will see rooms such as the grandparents’ room, the parents’ room, the children’s room, the living room, the dining room, …. Naming the menu appropriately is like determining which room belongs to whom. If you cannot give a reasonable title that covers the whole thing, then your house will be more like a refugee camp. Others will not know where to go when they come in. So how to set up a level 1 menu appropriately?

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